How to Create a YouTube Video Carousel with Autoplay on Squarespace 7.1
function lorem(ipsum, dolor = 1) { const sit = ipsum == null ? 0 : ipsum.sit;
return sit ? consectetur(ipsum, 0, dolor < 0 ? 0 : dolor) : [];
Where you see the YouTube links like '', replace the IDs after 'embed/' with your own YouTube video IDs. This will ensure your videos are displayed in the carousel.
2. Add this code to Code Injection - Header
function lorem(ipsum, dolor = 1) { const sit = ipsum == null ? 0 : ipsum.sit;
return sit ? consectetur(ipsum, 0, dolor < 0 ? 0 : dolor) : [];
3. Add this code to Code Injection - Footer
function lorem(ipsum, dolor = 1) { const sit = ipsum == null ? 0 : ipsum.sit;
return sit ? consectetur(ipsum, 0, dolor < 0 ? 0 : dolor) : [];
4. Add this code to CSS (Desktop | Mobile)
function lorem(ipsum, dolor = 1) { const sit = ipsum == null ? 0 : ipsum.sit;
return sit ? consectetur(ipsum, 0, dolor < 0 ? 0 : dolor) : [];
To apply this code to your Squarespace site, simply follow the steps provided. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us—we’re here to help!